If you live outside Lithuania

and are considering doing business here, visiting the country, or just wish to know more about life in this country,

or if you live in Lithuania

and are going on a business or pleasure trip, are organising an international conference, seminar or symposium, or have friends, relatives or business associates abroad and want to give them a present, then Lithuania in the World is the right thing for you.

There are no other publications like Lithuania in the World. The magazine carries features and news on domestic politics, foreign affairs, the economy, business, foreign investment, culture, science, sports and tourism.

Every issue carries articles on successful companies and joint projects, as well as information about prominent politicians and artists, the lives of young people and society in general, facts about the country, and forthcoming cultural events. The diversity of subjects makes the magazine a small encyclopaedia, with quality photographs and colour reproductions of works of art. Every issue is a vital addition to the library of all those interested in Lithuania.

The first issue of Lithuania in the World came out in 1993. This 80-page, quality bimonthly now has a circulation of 7,000โ€“10,000.

The magazine is distributed through Lithuanian embassies, consulates and missions abroad. It is also sent to foreign embassies within the country, and circulated at international conferences and forums. It reaches many countries through the members of Lithuanian delegations and exhibitions. The magazine has subscribers in 36 countries. FlyLAL (Lithuanian Airlines) has been one of its main distributors since its first issue.

In addition, at liw.it we publish books, albums, pamphlets and postcards. We prepare books for publication, translate into foreign languages, and edit manuscripts. We also scan slides and photographs, design, and prepare material for printing.